finding grace among the rubble


about the author

Jocelyn Aurora

  • she/her

  • poet & astronomer

  • satellite operations engineer & writer

Myself, unabashedly.

Jocelyn is a young woman who has been writing for as long as she can remember. From writing from underneath the crab apple tree of her childhood home to working on poetry chapbooks and novels in her apartment in the city, writing has always been a staple of her creative expression and sense of self. When she isn’t working as a spacecraft engineer or travelling the world, she continues to improve her craft so she can express herself to the world. If you're interested in works about femininity, forces of nature, and the love that can overcome them, her writing is for you.

Travelling is a passion of mine. Here I am at Lake Rotorua in New Zealand.

Travelling is a passion of mine. Here I am at Lake Rotorua in New Zealand.

currently, you can find me…

in San Francisco, chasing the stars; by the creek, watching the herons fly by; creating stories with my friends;
traveling to places new and old; curled up with a good fantasy book; working on a new poetry collection.